Slave Rules

One: All Free Persons are to be addressed as Jarl/Master/Mistress. If the sex of the Free Person can not be determined from the name, Jarl/Master is to be used until gender is clarified. If you are in the Torvaldsland rooms, then Men are addressed as Jarl.

Two: Serve every Free Person as if your well being depends on being pleasing.
-- This does include Free Women.

Three: While a Free Person may not always be right, they are, by definition, never wrong. Slaves always have the last word in any disagreement...the words "Yes, Jarl/Master/Mistress".

Four: Jealousy and Possessiveness have killed more slaves than disobedience.

Five: Slaves using first person or third person speach is up to the slave's Owner.
-- New slaves in training will speak in third person.

Six: Perfection of Service and Submission is the goal, mere excellence will not be tolerated.

Seven: Your collar carries the honor of your owner. Your attitude can make it as light as a feather, or as heavy as a mountain.

Eight: If there are none requiring service, use the time to clean, cook, bake, practice serving techniques with your sisters, or learn about Gor... DO NOT be idle. Talking in the Lobby is not considered being active. Take regular conversations to the Homefront.

Nine: Slaves possess nothing not given to them by their Owner, including their name. What is given can be taken away. If you are entrusted to carry a name for an Owner, or clothing, or jewelry, remember that these can be removed as easily as they were given.

Ten: The merest whim of your Owner is your highest law. Lawbreakers are punished.

Eleven: Dualing is not acceptable.

Twelve: Do not disappear from one room to another or log out without posting. If Free are present in the room, permission IS required to leave.
Slaves are NOT to be in two rooms at once. Full attention can not be given if one is split between rooms.

Thirteen: Chores are not mandatory, but slaves should be active in rooms when logged in.
If it is seen to be a problem for some to find activities then assignments will be given. There is always chores to do somewhere in this massive site.

Fourteen: Greeting Order is as follows;
Torvaldsland Rooms-
slave's Jarl
order of command - High Jarl DragonHeart, Jarl Soul, Jarl Darron are first in that order
Other Jarls
Visiting Free Men
Free Women

Merc Realm-
slave's Master
order of command - Master Brigs, Master Boorus are first in that order
Other Masters
Visiting Free Men
Free Women

Fifteen: Slaves are required to leave bread crumb trails when traveling through the site.
Starting from the lobby, leave posts as to which direction you are going all the way to your destination.

Sixteen: Slaves are allowed to furr each other anywhere in the site except the lobby unless Owners say otherwise.
-- New slaves in training are allowed to lap for hugs and kisses, no furring Free or slave.

Seventeen: Slaves captured by the Mercs will not declare damage has been brought to themselves from being secured while in the Merc Realm. Mercs have spent coin to make sure of this. There is fur a lined X-frame, cuffs are all fur lined as well in their Realm.

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